Type 1 Diabetes Back to School List
As every school year starts, so does all the preparations that goes into sending a T1D child back to school. I decided to share our back to school list for this year in hopes it is helpful to anyone out there in the community. It also serves as a reminder of how much goes into sending a child with T1D to school. #t1dawareness. đź’™
This is definitely not an all encompassing list. Yours will look different than ours but most probably very similar! We use an Omnipod pump (recently pumping) and a Dexcom G6 Reciever (iPhone with cell service). My child is too young to manage his own needs so a trained health aide and school staff will be helping him manage his diabetes this school year.

- 504 (a formal document defining the support he needs at school)
- DMMP (Diabetes Medical Management Plan completed by his Endo’s office)
- Health plan (put together in coordination with the district nurse)
- Communication plan (put together with the nurse and school administration)
- T1D information binder with educational material (hypo/hyper/what is T1D/T1D and school/how to explain T1D to students, etc.) and specifics about the child: contact information, doctor’s informations, etc.
Medical Supplies
Our school health aid will not be responsible for changing a failed Dexcom or a failed pump. I will be notified to go to school to do that. Here is what we are sending to school:
- Insulin Pen (to be kept in a fridge as a back up).
- Pen needles.
- Glucose meter, strips, and lancets.
- Keton test strips.
- Baqsimi Glucogon.
- Alcohol wipes.
- Fun character band aid packet.
- Extra patches/medical tape in case his devices are peeling off.
Low BG Snacks
It’ll be a variety of 5/10/15 carbs snacks plus zero carbs snacks.
- Juice boxes.
- Apples sauces.
- Honey sticks or packets.
- Granola bars.
- Assorted candy and Gummies.
- Water bottles.
- Keto snacks: chips, beef jerky, edamame beans.
- His Dexcom receiver (iPhone) and emergency bag will go with him from room to room.
- An (iPhone) charger to keep at school.
- Extra batteries if you use a device that needs batteries (PDM)
- He always wears a medical bracelet. We love Road ID and have been using it since he was diagnosed. Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3ZHarvj
- Emergency low BG boxes to be placed in various rooms he frequents. These will have a print out taped to the lid with his picture with instructions on how to treat a low/what to do. Free template available for download under the Free Downloads tab.
- I use Index cards to write the carb count for daily meal and snacks to send to school everyday.
I am still adjusting this list and I am sure I missed something, but we still have 2 weeks till school starts so I am hoping all will be figured out by then!
Let me know what you usually send to school. What is included in your list?
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